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Get console product details



Get console product details


Path Parameters

    organizationId stringrequired
    projectId stringrequired
    deviceId stringrequired

Query Parameters

    countryCode stringrequired


Returns product details

    details object[]required
  • Array [
  • productId stringrequired

    The product ID

    type stringrequired

    Type of product, e.g., inapp or subs

    title stringrequired

    The title of the product

    name stringrequired

    The name of the product

    description stringrequired

    The description of the product

    skuDetailsToken stringrequired

    SKU details token

    serializedDocid stringnullablerequired

    Serialized document ID

    subscriptionOfferDetails object[]nullablerequired

    Subscription offer details

  • Array [
  • basePlanId stringrequired

    Base plan ID

    offerId stringnullablerequired

    Offer ID

    offerIdToken stringrequired

    Offer ID token

    pricingPhases object[]required

    Pricing phases details

  • Array [
  • formattedPrice stringrequired

    Formatted price of the product

    priceAmountMicros int64required

    Price in micro-units

    priceCurrencyCode stringrequired

    ISO 4217 currency code for the price

    billingPeriod stringrequired

    Billing period (e.g., P1W for 1 week)

    billingCycleCount numberrequired

    Number of billing cycles

    recurrenceMode numberrequired

    Recurrence mode of the pricing phase

  • ]
  • offerTags string[]required

    Offer tags

    installmentPlanDetails objectnullable
    commitmentPaymentsCount numberrequired

    Number of commitment payments

    subsequentCommitmentPaymentsCount numbernullablerequired

    Number of subsequent commitment payments

  • ]
  • oneTimePurchaseOfferDetails objectnullable
    formattedPrice stringrequired

    Formatted price of the product

    priceAmountMicros int64required

    Price in micro-units

    priceCurrencyCode stringrequired

    ISO 4217 currency code for the price

    offerId stringrequired

    Offer ID

    offerTags string[]required

    Offer tags

    limitedQuantityInfo objectnullable
    maximumQuantity numberrequired

    Maximum quantity available for the product

    remainingQuantity numberrequired

    Remaining quantity available for the product

    applicationId stringrequired

    The applicationId associated with the app, also referred to as packageName.

  • ]