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Create a new phase



Create a new phase


Path Parameters

    organizationId stringrequired
    projectId stringrequired
    productId stringrequired
    basePlanId stringrequired
    offerId stringrequired


    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [introductory_price, regular, trial, free_trial, discounted_recurring_payment, single_payment]

    Type of the phase

    duration stringrequired

    Duration of the phase

    priceOverride stringrequired

    Possible values: [fixed_amount, percentage_discount, absolute_discount]

    Override type for the phase price

    billingPeriods numberrequired

    Number of billing periods for which the override applies

    prices object[]

    Prices and availability for different countries

  • Array [
  • country stringrequired

    The country code

    priceAmountMicros int64required

    The price

  • ]


Successfully created phase.

    id stringrequired

    The unique identifier for the phase.

    type PhaseTyperequired

    Possible values: [introductory_price, regular, trial, free_trial, discounted_recurring_payment, single_payment]

    The type of the phase.

    duration stringrequired

    Duration of the phase

    priceOverride stringrequired

    Possible values: [fixed_amount, percentage_discount, absolute_discount]

    Override type for the phase price

    billingPeriods numberrequired

    Number of billing periods for which the override applies

    prices object[]

    Prices and availability for different countries

  • Array [
  • country stringrequired

    The country code

    priceAmountMicros int64required

    The price

  • ]