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Get a single phase by ID



Get a single phase by ID


Path Parameters

    organizationId stringrequired
    projectId stringrequired
    productId stringrequired
    basePlanId stringrequired
    offerId stringrequired
    phaseId stringrequired

Query Parameters

    includePrices stringrequired


Successfully retrieved phase.

    id stringrequired

    The unique identifier for the phase.

    type PhaseTyperequired

    Possible values: [introductory_price, regular, trial, free_trial, discounted_recurring_payment, single_payment]

    The type of the phase.

    duration stringrequired

    Duration of the phase

    priceOverride stringrequired

    Possible values: [fixed_amount, percentage_discount, absolute_discount]

    Override type for the phase price

    billingPeriods numberrequired

    Number of billing periods for which the override applies

    prices object[]

    Prices and availability for different countries

  • Array [
  • country stringrequired

    The country code

    priceAmountMicros int64required

    The price

  • ]